Consists of a Narrow Linewidth Tunable Laser Diode (NLTLD) and an Integrated Coherent Transceiver-Receiver (ICTR) Chip.
Supports DP-16QAM modulation.
Elite Photonics Technologies Co., Ltd. offers narrow linewidth lasers and ITLAs design based on silicon photonics technology with linewidth of less than 100 kHz.
The ICTR is a silicon photonics-based integrated coherent transceiver PIC that integrates both coherent transmitter and receiver functions on a single chip.
The ICTR chip integrates hundreds of active and passive optical components, including high-speed balanced Ge/Si detectors, hybrids, splitters, MPDs, MZ modulators, and more.
The high integration density significantly reduces development complexity, lowers product costs, and enhances product reliability.
Supports 400G/800G ZR applications.